Should We Have Regular Cancer Checkups???

Every cancer begins without producing symptoms; so being symptom-free does not mean you are necessarily cancer -free. and even if certain symptoms are present, you might not recognize them as such. For this reason cancer-screening tests should be made at regular intervals.

These tests may involve nothing more than a physical examination of various parts of the body. Your doctor may also suggest you undergo certain routine tests. Examples include the cervical smear test to detect cancer of the cervix, chest X-ray reveal earl lung cancer,blood in the faeces for the sign of the large intestine cancer. However, depends on a number of factors and if there is a history of cancer in your family.

Your doctor will probably recommend you to checkups at least once a year for younger people probably two or three years.Most routine examinations and test will not cause discomfort or pain;at worst,some may make you uncomfortable for a few minutes.
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