Bring "OM" Back To Your Life

Coping with daily pressures of working life and relationships can be trying, and that's precisely when you need to make time for exercise. When you need a peace of mind ,forget expensive holidays overseas -working out and staying fit is your best bet. After all,exercise helps alleviate stress and depression.

Goal 1 :Eat Healthier

A healthy tripple -you may be trying to lead a healthy lifestyle but that doesn't mean you have to cut Friday-night drinks out of your social calendar altogether. Moderate consumption of any kind of alcohol can be good for cardiovascular health.Just make sure you have no more than a glass a day.

Goal 2 :Get Shapelier

All-over toners -Yoga not only toners your muscles, it also makes you stronger and more flexible. Many of the standing and sitting poses of yoga help develop core strength,relying on your abdominal to maintain the pose. And with a stronger core, you'll stand straighter and taller! It's also known to help practitioners gain a peace of mind and improve concentration.

Goal 3 :Become Fitter

Prevent Burnout -It's not uncommon for athletes to burnout once they've been achieved a goal. Prevent this by changing your routine around-if you've been swimming as part of your cardio workout, try cycling.A good indicator of whether you're overracing is your mindset just before approaching a race. If you just feel bored and listless, it could be a sign you need to take a break.
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