Want A Flatter Stomach?

Ask most people what they think is the best way to a flatter stomach and the answer usually involves sit-ups. But the next time you do sit-ups, place your fingers on your stomach and observe what happens to them when you go through the movement. Chances are they just get push up and out, hence why your stomach isn't getting flatter.!

Move A Muscle

The muscles around your torso help you curl up, rotate and straighten up, and you need to mimic these actions in your exercises. You will also need to work deeper muscles the help support you otherwise muscle weakness results and with it comes poor posture.

Build Strength

Imagine holding an elastic band with one end in each hand. Place one hand above the other so the band is tight and running vertically. That is your abdomen with good posture. If you lower your top hand a little, the band goes slack and slops forwards and out, which is what happens when you slouch and/or have weak back muscles.

working on that theory, you need to strengthen the muscles that help keep you upright and stop you from slouching. Good posture is a mix or flexibility, mobility and strength. Try the following exercises as an alternative to sit-ups.

Good Posture

Your body is at its most stable position when your posture is good. Many injuries, aches and pains result from poor posture or weakness in those muscles responsible for good posture.

Our largely sedentary lives has resulted in poor posture. Seated at a screen, our bent knees shorten the back thigh and front hip muscles, while our rounded backs weaken those muscles around the waist and lower backs.

To stretch out tight muscles, straighten your legs, lift your chest and reach your arms around your back to interlock the hands.

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