8 Best Things you can Do For your Skin

Clear skin the simple and smart way.

1. Cleanse Like A Pro

Cleansing is the most important step in your skin routine. The right cleanser for your skin type will clean the skin of impurities, balance oil flow, and hydrate and soften the skin. Cleanse for approximately two minutes, twice a day by using sponge and water.

2. Avoid Squeezing Pimples

Picking pimples is not a good habit, it can rupture the duct that produced oil also cause trauma, infection and scarring. If you have lots of pimples in one spot, try a professional treatment that uses a ' disencrustation solution,' this is slightly alkaline to soften and swell, making extraction easier.

3. Shun The Sugar

Reducing your sugar intake, everything you put into your body is reflected in your skin. Look out any products that contain things such as corn sweetener, corn syrup, sucrose or sorghum. Take more fruit such as blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and plums, also try vitamin E which found in almonds, sunflower seeds,avocados and green tea, fish as salmon and cod. Vegetable such as broccoli.

4. Go Green

Everything we use on our face and body goes into our system or gets washed down the drain, so natural products make sense. This is why powerfully formulated natural organic skincare so so effective cause it fuels the skin regenerative abilities.

5. Know Your Skin Type

This is to ensure you're using the correct cleanser and moisturiser cause both are primarily for optimum result. Others products such as boosters, masques and exfoliants will address skin condition such as dehydration or sensitivity.

6. Scrub Up

A lot people think they have dry skin but in fact they might just need a good exfoliation product. Exfoliate once a week to remove old dead cell and follow by moisturuser.

7. Stress Less

Stress alows down the skin rejuvenation process also reduce cell renewal and destroy collagen fibres in the skin. Remember, your skin is like a mirror- it reflects everything that's going on within your body and mind, so pay attention to keeping these aspects and emotion in balance.

8. Got Sensitive skin? Different Rules Apply

If you have sensitive skin, don't overdo it. Those with sensitive skin may experience excessive skin irritation and should not exfoliation can cause irritation try mild enzymatic exfoliant without granules.
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