Poor and Rich

沒錢的時候,養豬; Poor, keep pig
有錢的時候,養狗。 Rich, keep dog
沒錢的時候,在家裡吃野菜; Poor, have vegetables at home
有錢的時候,在酒店吃野菜。 Rich, have vegetables (mistress) at hotel

沒錢的時候,在馬路上騎自行車; Poor, ride bicycle on roads
有錢的時候,在客廳裡騎自行車。 Rich, ride exercise bike at home

沒錢的時候想結婚; Poor, wish to get married
有錢的時候想離婚。 Rich, wish to get divorced

沒錢的時候老婆兼秘書; Poor, wife doubles as secretary
有錢的時候秘書兼老婆。 Rich, secretary doubles as wife

沒錢的時候假裝有錢; Poor, pretends to be rich
有錢的時候假裝沒錢。 Rich, pretends to be poor

人啊,都不講實話: Human just not honest
說股票是毒品,都在玩; Say stocks are poison, but play
說金錢是罪惡,都在撈; Say money is evil, but want more
說美女是禍水,都想要; Say pretty women are problem but want
說高處不勝寒,都在爬; Say high position is lonely but clamour for it
說煙酒傷身體,就不戒; Say smoking/alcohol unhealthy but won't give up
說天堂最美好,都不去!!! Say heaven is great but don't work to go there
當今社會,窮吃肉,富吃蝦,領導幹部吃王八; Society today, poor eat meat,
Rich eat prawns,leaders eat turtles

男想高,女想瘦,狗穿衣裳人露肉; Men wants to be tall, women wants to
be slim,

Dog wears clothes and but people
wears very little

過去把第一次留給丈夫; Used to reserve the first time for husband
現在把第一胎留給丈夫。 but now reserve the first birth for
鄉下早晨雞叫人, Morning in village, chicken calls people
城裡晚上人叫雞; Night in city, people calls 'chicken'
舊社會戲子賣藝不賣身, Old society, actress sells her skills not
新社會演員賣身不賣藝。 New society, actress sells body not skills

人生是什麼? 只用了4 4 個字,
就把人生講完了... 所以人與人,
有啥好計較的咧? 快樂好相處比較重要啦!
1 歲 時 出場亮相 10 歲 時 功課至上 20 歲 時
春心盪漾 30 歲 時 職場對抗 40 歲 時 身材發胖
50 歲 時 打打麻將 60 歲 時 老當益壯 70 歲 時
常常健忘 80 歲 時 搖搖晃晃 90 歲 時 迷失方向
100 歲 時 掛在牆上

What is life ? Only 44 words needed to describe full cycle
so live and let live ? More important to be happy and
live in harmony.
1 yr old, show yourself; 10 yr old, study comes first; 20
yr old, looking for partners; 30 yr old, stress with career;
40 yr old, getting fat; 50 yr old, play Mahjong; 60 yr old,
old but strong; 70 yr old, memory failing; 80 yr old, cannot
stand steady; 90 yr old, can't find my way; 100 yr old,
photo on the wall."
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A Day in Paradise

Bora Bora is a new place i just discover from the web.The scenery of the picture make me fall in love . I like beach. We been working from monday till friday but some till sunday.We should take a break and relax with this nature, the blow of breezes, touch the sand swim into the sea and relax with sunny blue sky.Don't it sound gorgeous!
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A dream

I had a dream last night, it was so real
Now I think I know, how you would feel
Saw your face so clear, Your eyes bright too
It was just a dream, I could swear it was you

Thought I felt your skin, as you lay by my side
My hair whisked from my face, as you did in one stride
Felt my body get warm, and I melted closer to you
It was just a dream, I could swear it was you

Your voice was the same, as I've heard you talk to me
The words were soft and sincere, you made me believe
Heard a crack in your voice, as you spoke of me and you
It was just a dream, I could swear it was you

Brought my heart to skip a beat, the feeling was divine
I fell in love in this dream, I must tell you its true
It was just a dream, But I could swear it was YOU

Falling in love with you
is one of the hardest things I've ever done.
Some people find that strange,
but then,
they haven't been fighting their heart for years,

The other day when you left,
my heart screamed a protest.
Was it fake?
I ask myself the question again,
the same question I've been asking time by time.

The difficulty of the situation is made harder
How do I know?
The smiles you give me,
the phrases you choose,
your eyes.
I stare into your eyes and my heart jumps.
I stare into your eyes and my head reels.

I think I'm in love with you,
but I can't be sure.
I can't tell you my feelings,
I can't hear you tell me yours.
Can we ever be together?

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Reasons Why

Love is the long lasting kind;
We’ve been together quite awhile.

I love you for so many things,
Your voice, your touch, your kiss, your smile.

You accept me as I am;
I can relax and just be me.

Even when my quirks come out,
You think they’re cute; you let me be.

With you, there’s nothing to resist;
You’re irresistible to me.

I’m drawn to you in total trust;
I give myself to you willingly.

Your sweet devotion never fails;
You view me with a patient heart.

You love me, dear, no matter what.
You’ve been that way right from the start.

Those are just a few reasons why
I’ll always love you like I do.

We’ll have a lifetime full of love,
And it will happen because of you.

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Special Friend

Special Friend

Special Day for special friend
Special feelings warm and fond,
And friend, I knew right from the start
We had a very special bond.

Our time together is a gift;
You’re interesting and warm and fun!
And when I need to talk and share,
I think of you, friend; you’re the one.

We’re always true and real together.
We have no reason to pretend.

I’m thankful that you’re in my life,
My trusted, cherished Special friend.

Valentine Day

"Valentine Day" What is this really mean?I can see that on this day most of the couple are very happy and look forward for celebration.What about people who's are single?Well they can just celebrate with friends and family. For me i am celebrating with my group of friends. But is not a happy day for me,Karen one of my group friend had to go back to her island to start work where she not really keen on it due to her parents she have to do it. We been together for few months and very precious the moment with her while she was here mainland for four months. The moment i give her a big huge she cry and feel very sad to leave us. Than my another girl friend "S" she had a quarrel with her boy friend and cry . For my girl friends "J" due to "S" problem she actually having the same problem with her boy friend. So is this a happy valentine day for me this year?

By the way, I will like to wish those happy couple who's had celebrate their sweet moment and memories. Please precious the moments and love her or him while she or he beside you.Hope me and my group of friends will have a sweet and happy Valentine Day next year.
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sky bar

cool night

Is was another party weekend. I was in Kuala lumpur attending a dinner after the dinner me and my group of girl friends plan to go to SKY Bar this is our first time there. Is amazing place and it located KLCC at 33 floor.this place had a pirvate pool in the middle but not for swimming purpose. Along the side is all the places which al the guest can sit and drinks like a japanese concept,at the end of it is all the tall round table for those can just stand and enjoy the music to dance,they play all the jazz,classic music ,sentimental and some modern music.Beside that you can view the whole Kuala Lumpur night view because it was built by all the glasses.

While we were having fun and is one of my girl friends birthday, so her boyfriends vick order a special drinks name "Lamborgini" and " Martini" is a strong liqueur. After this two drinks my girl friends Karen start to react very funny and lost control same as her friends David. Her David jump in the pool and at first the waitress warn us to call him up if not they had to call the security due to this is a private pool and the sign of prohibit for diving. So few of our guy friends pull him up but again he jump in again and this time he jump together with a waiter.

This time the management ask the security and invite David out of the places and our party end up with all the hassel from our this two friends.Well at least we had fun and the begining and it was a nice place to relax and enjoy friends gathering.
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peace world 2009

In this day what we want? Simple " A peace world". With the crisis of economic everybody are waiting for the boost. When this day will come?Hope it will be very soon just like this picture.

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smile with me

Sunny Day

A busy day after chinese chinese new year, everybody start to go back to normal live with stress. Come and release your tension with all this cute picture it will help you.Enjoy it!!!!

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The mansion is in Harare and belong to The President Of Zimbabwe-Robert Mugabe

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