Liposculpture VS Traditional Liposuction

Here are few information that i would like to share. For who like to try this new techniques instead of traditional liposuction.

This article was from a magazine and was done by this doctor name : DR. C. Alan Bittner he is a liposculpture Surgeon from Beverly Hills Liposculture.

Q:What exactly is liposculpture?

Liposculpture is a minimally invasive procedure that literally removes and sculpts fat deposits while you are awake. Unlike traditional liposuction, new liposculpture techniques do not use general anesthesia or IV sedation. The procedure takes less than 2 hours and there is usually minimal bruising and no unsightly scars.

Q:What areas of the body can be treated?

The most common areas that men and women get liposculpture are on the stomach and love handles; however liposculpture can remove excess fat from almost any area of the body-arms, thighs,chest and chin.

Q:How much fat can liposculpture remove?

Liposculpture can remove over a gallon of fat (10 pounds!) in a single 2 hour procedure. Liposculpture can remove between 50 to 80% of the fat that you can pinch, which will leave you with a much leaner stomach, skinnier waist, or smaller thighs. Although your body will continue to age, result are permanent.

Q:Am I a good candidate for liposculpture?

Liposculpture works for men and women of all ages and sizes. I treat skinny models with just a few extra ounces as well as people with few gallons of fat on their abdomen. I've had liposculpture on my abdomen and love handles and every person in my office had nad the procedure. Visit my website and watch our video to if liposculpture is right for you.

Q:How much does liposculpture cost?

I post my complete fees on my website and my fees are all inclusive-there are no additional hidden fees or taxes. My prices are the same for every patient, regardless of size. The full abdomen is $3800. The abdomen and love handles is $4800. Inner or outer thighs are an additional $1800 and the chin is an additional $1400. You can see the full prices for every area of the body on the website or call my office and learn how much a procedure will cost.
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