Poor and Rich
有錢的時候,養狗。 Rich, keep dog
沒錢的時候,在家裡吃野菜; Poor, have vegetables at home
有錢的時候,在酒店吃野菜。 Rich, have vegetables (mistress) at hotel
沒錢的時候,在馬路上騎自行車; Poor, ride bicycle on roads
有錢的時候,在客廳裡騎自行車。 Rich, ride exercise bike at home
沒錢的時候想結婚; Poor, wish to get married
有錢的時候想離婚。 Rich, wish to get divorced
沒錢的時候老婆兼秘書; Poor, wife doubles as secretary
有錢的時候秘書兼老婆。 Rich, secretary doubles as wife
沒錢的時候假裝有錢; Poor, pretends to be rich
有錢的時候假裝沒錢。 Rich, pretends to be poor
人啊,都不講實話: Human just not honest
說股票是毒品,都在玩; Say stocks are poison, but play
說金錢是罪惡,都在撈; Say money is evil, but want more
說美女是禍水,都想要; Say pretty women are problem but want
說高處不勝寒,都在爬; Say high position is lonely but clamour for it
說煙酒傷身體,就不戒; Say smoking/alcohol unhealthy but won't give up
說天堂最美好,都不去!!! Say heaven is great but don't work to go there
當今社會,窮吃肉,富吃蝦,領導幹部吃王八; Society today, poor eat meat,
Rich eat prawns,leaders eat turtles
男想高,女想瘦,狗穿衣裳人露肉; Men wants to be tall, women wants to
be slim,
Dog wears clothes and but people
wears very little.
過去把第一次留給丈夫; Used to reserve the first time for husband
現在把第一胎留給丈夫。 but now reserve the first birth for
鄉下早晨雞叫人, Morning in village, chicken calls people
城裡晚上人叫雞; Night in city, people calls 'chicken'
舊社會戲子賣藝不賣身, Old society, actress sells her skills not
新社會演員賣身不賣藝。 New society, actress sells body not skills
人生是什麼? 只用了4 4 個字,
就把人生講完了... 所以人與人,
有啥好計較的咧? 快樂好相處比較重要啦!
1 歲 時 出場亮相 10 歲 時 功課至上 20 歲 時
春心盪漾 30 歲 時 職場對抗 40 歲 時 身材發胖
50 歲 時 打打麻將 60 歲 時 老當益壯 70 歲 時
常常健忘 80 歲 時 搖搖晃晃 90 歲 時 迷失方向
100 歲 時 掛在牆上
What is life ? Only 44 words needed to describe full cycle
so live and let live ? More important to be happy and
live in harmony.
1 yr old, show yourself; 10 yr old, study comes first; 20
yr old, looking for partners; 30 yr old, stress with career;
40 yr old, getting fat; 50 yr old, play Mahjong; 60 yr old,
old but strong; 70 yr old, memory failing; 80 yr old, cannot
stand steady; 90 yr old, can't find my way; 100 yr old,
photo on the wall."